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logo of cancer Gastric Cancers Analyzed by
Theoretical Physics

This section contains all the contents in the summary of my cancer theory: "Gastric Cancers Analyzed by Theoretical Physics," and explains theoretically how the stomach causes three types of cancers: adnocarcinoma, signet ring celol adenocarcinoma, and leiomyosarcoma. Reading this summary will enable you to grasp the new image of gastric cancers. This summary explains the important points about my cancer theory, and I sent this summary to approximate several hundreds medical researchers in the world. After sending it, I have opened this website in order to spread my cancer theory over the world.

I. Abstract
This section is the abstract of my summary: "Gastric Cancers Analyzed by Theoretical Physics." Reading even this abstract will enable you to grasp the rough image of my stomach cancer theory. Please decide whether you read all this summary or not after reading this abstract.

II. Introduction
This section explains how I starts analyzing stomach cancer.

III. Important Points
This section picks up important points for theoretical analyses of stomach cancers, and theoretically analyzes each of them.

(1) A Human Body Working as A Relative System
(2) A Human Body Created as Fractal Structure
(3) Theoretical Analysis of Inflammation
(4) Tissue Distortion Seen in A Pre-Cancer Tissue
(5) Tropical Cyclone and Tumorigenesis
(6) Theoretical Analysis of Two-Stage Carcinogenesis
(7) Difference in Momentum between A Normal and A Cancer Cell
(8) Theoretical Analysis of Anchorage Dependence
(9) Difference in Level Between A Normal and A Cancer Cell
(10) Anatomy of The Stomach and The Tissue Distortion
(11) Two Kinds of Forces that Can Oppress An Organ

IV. Theoretical Analyses of Gastric Cancers
This section, by using the important points already obtained in the preceding section, explains theoretical analyses of three types of gastric cancers.

(a) Adenocarcinoma
(a1) Outbreak of Tissue Distortion (Initial Distortion)
(a2) Amplification of Tissue Distortion (Secondary Distortion)
(a3) Direction of The Amplified Distortion
(a4) Outbreak of Adenocarcinoma (Third Distortion)

(b) Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma
(b1) Outbreak of Tissue Distortion (Initial Distortion)
(b2) Occurrence of Posterior Force
(b3) Amplification of Tissue Distortion (Secondary Distortion)
(b4) Direction of The Amplified Distortion
(b5) Outbreak of Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma (Third Distortion)
(b6) Difference between A Solid Tumor and Scirrhus

(c) Leiomyosarcoma
(c1) Outbreak of Tissue Distortion (Initial Distortion)
Amplification of Tissue Distortion (Secondary Distortion)
(c3) Outbreak of Leiomyosarcoma (Third Distortion)

V. Conclusion
Even when a tissue causes different types of tumors, it causes them by almost the same mechanism. Theoretical analyses of gastric cancers lead us to conclude clearly that any tumors occur through three-kinds of tissue distortion: initial, secondary, and third distortion.

VI. Discussion
Let us check important points of carcinogenesis by using the theoretical indications obtained in the previous sections. Probably, although you will feel that carcinogenesis is not a specific disease and is one of the diseases that always occur in a human body, you may change the image of cancer.

(1) Microscopic and Macroscopic Mechanisms
(2) Difference between Carcinogenesis in Vivo and in Vitro
(3) Immunity and Carcinogenesis
(4) The Reason Why We Cannot Easily Controls Gastric Scirrhus
(5) H.Pylori and Stomach Cancer
(6) Our Thought about Cancer
(7) Necessity of Theoretical Medicine

VII. References
These references allowed me to form the basis of my cancer theory. Probably, the majority of them may be very easy for you.

Explanation in this section is just a little different from that in the summary I sent to medical researchers in the world. This is because I would like to make html pages that allow any visitors to easily understand my cancer theory. Thus, the explanation on this website is just a little different from that written in my summary I sent to medical researchers in the world.
When you wish to read the original summary, please download PDF file after making a donation. The PDF file is donation ware.

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Stomach.CancerTheory.jp for
* Theoretical Medicine *
* Philosophy
Basic Philosophy
Thinking Methods
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Necessity of
Medical Theory
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* Outline
Human Body
* * *
* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
* * *
* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
EG Neutralization
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Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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