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logo of cancer III. Important Points for Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis
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(7) Difference in Momentum between A Normal and A Cancer Cell

“A cancer cell usually contains a large amount of momentum compared with a normal cell.” This indication can be deduced from the following two phenomena. First, the size of a cancer cell is usually large more than that of a normal cell. Second, in two-stage carcinogenesis, an initiated cell needs many-times promotions in order to transform itself into a cancer cell.

Now, by paying attention to the difference in size between a normal and cancer cell, check the difference in momentum between them. A cell works as a system; thus, as if a system increasing the momentum enlarges the size, a cell increasing the momentum will also enlarge its original volume. Additionally, a cancer cell usually has large volume compared with a normal cell. For these reasons, it is indicated that a cancer cell usually contains a large amount of momentum more than that of a normal cell.

Next, by paying attention to the promotion in two-stage carcinogenesis, consider again whether a cancer cell contains a large amount of momentum compared with a normal cell. In two-stage carcinogenesis, a cell once treated with an initiator needs many-times promotions to transform itself into a cancer cell. Furthermore, a promoter has already been defined as a chemical substance having the ability to make a cell increase the momentum (= metabolic turnover rate). Thus, every time a cell is treated with a promoter, it will increase the momentum. For the reasons, it is indicated that a cancer cell contains a large amount of momentum compared with a normal cell.

All in all, theoretical analyses of these two phenomena lead us to conclude that a cancer cell usually contains a large amount of momentum more than that of a normal cell. The figures below illustrate these mechanisms.

Fig10. Difference in momentum
between a normal and a cancer cell

One of the differences between a normal and a cancer cell can be considered to originate in the difference in momentum.

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Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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