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basic philosophy 1. Introduction
• Why do we need to check the basic philosophy of modern medical science before analyzing carcinogenesis?

Medical science has made a progress on its own basic philosophy. Any sciences cannot develop without their basic philosophies. Likewise, modern medical science also has the basic philosophy, which allows medical science to make a progress. This reveals that the basic philosophy of medical science is a key of controlling whether medical science can continue making a great progress even in the future.

Thus, it is important to check whether modern medical science has a right basic philosophy or not. If medical science has already had a right basic philosophy, it will be able to continue making a progress also in the future. However, if medical science has a wrong basic philosophy, it will be unable to make a progress anymore in near future. This is the reason why we should check what philosophy modern medical science has.

The following three points must be useful to understand not only the relationship between modern medical science and the basic philosophy, but also whether the basic philosophy of modern medical science is a key to allow modern medical science to make a great progress. Thus, I made the following three sections explaining these three points.

1. Medical Science and The Basic Philosophy
2. Basic Philosophy of Medical Science and Necessary Condition of Disease
3. New Basic Philosophy Necessary for New Medical Science

I confirm that checking these three sections will lead you to understand why we need to check the basic philosophy of modern medical science. Although modern medical science appears to make light of its basic philosophy, I think that medical science, in order to continue making a progress also in the future, needs to recheck whether the basic philosophy is right or not. Without checking it, modern medical science will be unable to lead us not only to grasp the new image of cancer, but also to find out the fundamental cause. Do read the following three sections to know the importance of the basic philosophy of medical science.

Medical Science and The Foundation
(Before we try to check how a human body causes disease, we need to pay attention to the basic philosophy of modern medical science. This is because medical science makes a progress on the basic philosophy. Thus, we should check whether modern medical science has the basic philosophy or not.)

Stomach.CancerTheory.jp for
* Theoretical Medicine *
* Philosophy
Basic Philosophy
Thinking Methods
* * *
Necessity of
Medical Theory
* * *
* Outline
Human Body
* * *
* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
* * *
* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
EG Neutralization
* * *


Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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