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• Gastric Cancers Analyzed by Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis

Files Gastric Cancer Analyzed
by Theoretical Physics

(Brief Summary of My Cancer Theory)

• PDF File of My Gastric Theory

The PDF file of "Gastric Cancer Analyzed by Theoretical Physics" can be read and printed by Adobe Reader. The paper size is A4. When you want to read and to download the PDF file, please make a donation. After you make a donation, you will be able to read and download the PDF file of "Gastric Cancer Analyzed by Theoretical Physics."
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• Overview of This File

This is a summary of my cancer theory, and I sent this summary to about several-hundreds medical researchers in the world who focused on researching cancers, especially gastrointestinal cancers.

Although I wrote a book of cancer theory, I thought that the contents (over 250 pages) are too large for a medical researcher to easily understand my cancer theory. So, I also wrote a summary that focused on explaining gastric cancers. This summary consists of only 22 pages, but it explains clearly the basis of my cancer theory. I confirm that this summary not only allow the medical researchers to notice the new image of cancer, but also help me to find out scientists who cooperate me in making new medical science.

The reason why I did not write this summary as a paper is as follows. I comfirm that my cancer theory is indeed correct, as well as that my cancer theory can cleary explain various carcinogeneses by theoretical concepts. However, I have wondered if any medical journals do not permit a method of explaining disease by logical concepts, because modern medical science does not yet have a field of theoretical medicine. So I decided to publish my cancer theory not as a paper but as a summary, and to send it to various scientists in the world.

If you are interested in this summary, please read it. (This summary is on this website, and its address is here.) Even if your speciality is not gastrointestinal oncology, do not worry about. You will be able to grasp the rough image of my cancer theory, because the conclusion of this summary can be applied to various types of cancers that result from many hollow organs. If possible, I hope medical researchers, who read this summary, to notice the mistake about their research targets, and to establish new solution to cancer.

I have also uploaded the PDF file of this summary on this website. You can read and print it by using a free soft: Adobe Reader (PDF reader). If you do not have this soft, please download it from Adobe.com. (PDF and Adobe Reader are trade marks of Adobe Systems.) This soft enables you not only to read and but also to print the summary. This PDF file is a donation ware. Click here to know the details.

Stomach.CancerTheory.jp for
* Theoretical Medicine *
* Philosophy
Basic Philosophy
Thinking Methods
* * *
Necessity of
Medical Theory
* * *
* Outline
Human Body
* * *
* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
* * *
* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
EG Neutralization
* * *


Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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Present Japan Time:
2025/01/24 (Fri) 01:28:27

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2006/12/17 (Sun) 04:31:41