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Please consider to make a donation in order to continue reading medical theories on this website. |
Your donation will enable me to continue forming medical theory for myself, so please consider to make a donation.
Until now, forming my medical theory not only took more than fifteen years, but also costed over 100,000 dollars. I paid all the cost by myself, because my research was an individual one. I am not a pure medical researcher, and I must, while working as a physician, continue forming medical theory by using a part of its income to my research. Specifically, the cost per a year was about $10,000; thus, the total cost ran up to over 100,000 dollars.
In the recent years, I have felt not to continue forming medical theory any longer. Certainly, until now, I had formed cancer theory by using a part of my income. However, my income does not increase, and I cannot any more shoulder the cost of my research from my income. This means that I can hardly continue forming medical theory anymore.
However, your donation must be one of the ways for me to continue forming medical theory. When you feel that my medical theory is indeed useful for your research, please consider to make a donation. If a medical-research company employs me to know the details about my medical theories, my income may increase and enable me to form medical theories. However, the company may require me to close this site. So, if you hope to continue reading my medical theory on this website, please consider to make a donation. Your donation must be indeed helpful for me to continue forming next medical theories without any controls.
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