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logo of Basic Theories II. Background-Field Theory
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1. The Basic Conception

Background field theory is indeed useful for us to grasp the true figure of disease. Although we medical doctors try to check and to treat an organ, we tend to pay attention only to the organ. However, always when an organ shows any changes, it's fundamental cause originates in the relationship between the organ and the background organs. This is because a human body is created as a relative system consisting of organs. Thus, without taking notice of the relationship between an organ and the background organs, we medical doctors cannot not only check and but also treat an organ. Background field theory will enable us to notice what important role the relationship between an organ and the background organs plays in disease. (This theory: "Background-Field Theory" is my most favorite one in my medical theories.)

(a) A Simple Examination that Enables Us to Check The Relationship between An Organ and The Background Field
If so, what role does the background field of an organ play in disease? Let us check it by using a simple model: a field containing a small field. As shown in the figure below, in this model, when a small field changes the darkness, it stands out against the background field. (This case is case-A in the figure below.) Interestingly, also when the background field of the small field changes the darkness, the small field stands out. (This case is case-B in the figure below.) That is, both in these two cases, the small field stands out. These results teach us that an organ shows any changes on the basis of the relationship between the organ and the background field.background_field

(b) Three Conditions of An Organ
Importantly, these phenomena enable us to indicate that an organ takes three kinds of conditions. As shown in the figures below, when a small field shows the same darkness of color as that of the background field, it can theoretically indicate an organ in good health. When a small field changes the color and differs in color from the background field, it can theoretically indicate an organ in bad health. Also when the background field of the small field changes the darkness of the color, the small field can theoretically indicate an organ in bad health. In short, these results suggest that the fundamental causes of disease can be classified into two kinds.

(C) Important Indication Led from This Theory
Notice that this conclusion gives us an important indication about disease. When an organ changes the internal movement for itself, it, of course, shows strong change. Besides it, also when the background field of an organ changes the internal movement, the organ shows strong change. The majority of medical researchers and doctors certainly notice the former case, but they seem not to notice the latter case. Furthermore, there is strong possibility that most chronic diseases occur by the latter mechanisms. For the reasons, when we want to control chronic disease completely, we should always pay attention to both of these two cases to prevent our mistakes. I confirm that without paying attention to the relationship between an organ and the background field, medical researchers will be unable to control completely an organ with disease.

Stomach.CancerTheory.jp for
* Theoretical Medicine *
* Philosophy
Basic Philosophy
Thinking Methods
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Necessity of
Medical Theory
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* Outline
Human Body
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* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
* * *
* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
EG Neutralization
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