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logo of cancer IV-(b). Theoretical Analysis of Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma
Section: b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 | b5 | b6

Next, let us also analyze theoretically how the stomach causes signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. This process can be divided into four steps. At the first step, the stomach causes primary tissue distortion in between the mucosal epithelium and the lamina propria mucosae. At the next step, background organs of the stomach raise their momenta, and cause the imbalance in momentum with the stomach. This imbalance in momentum works as a posterior force that can oppress the stomach. At the third step, the stomach is oppressed by the posterior force, and amplifies the primary tissue distortion by increasing the momentum. At the last step, the stomach causes a tumor at the peak of the amplified tissue distortion when it cannot bear the tensile strength of the amplified tissue distortion. This cancer, signet ring cell adenocarcinoma, arises from the lamina propria mucosae, because the peak of this amplified tissue distortion is in the lamina propria mucosae nearby the mucosal epithelium.

(1) Outbreak of Tissue Distortion
(Outbreak of Initial Distortion)

The stomach causes primary tissue distortion when only the mucosal epithelium loses the normal metabolic activity. The stomach, as already explained, is created as a duct, the wall of which consists of layers. In addition, the mucosal epithelium always directly touches stomach juice and tends to decrease the normal metabolic activity; in contrast, other layers do not directly touch stomach juice and tend not to easily decrease their normal metabolic activity. By this mechanism, the mucosal epithelium easily causes the imbalance in metabolic activity with other layers. This imbalance in metabolic activity works as primary tissue distortion: initial distortion. Notice that this initial distortion is quite the same as that in the case of adenocarcinoma.

Fig22. Outbreak of Tissue Distortion

Initial distortion having the potential of causing adenocarcinoma also has the potential of causing signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. That is,
initial distortion at adenocarcinoma is quite the same as that at signet ring cell adenocarcinoma.

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* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
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* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
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Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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