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logo of cancer IV-(a). Theoretical Analysis of Adenocarcinoma Arising from Atrophic Gastritis
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(4) Outbreak of Adenocarcinoma
(Outbreak of Third Distortion)

When the stomach cannot bear the tensile strength of the secondary distortion, it causes cancer at the peak of the secondary distortion. Secondary distortion has its own tensile strength, and stretches the connection between cells. In addition, strong secondary distortion can theoretically be considered to have the ability to cut the connection in energy flow at the peak of the secondary distortion. Thus, when the stomach wall cannot bear the tensile strength of the secondary distortion, it disconnects the connection in energy flow and then causes an invisible hole there. (I call this hole “Theoretical Hole.”) In this invisible hole, as if a tropical cyclone causes an eye, the stomach wall also causes new deep tissue distortion in order to neutralize the secondary distortion. This new tissue distortion has the ability to transform its own containing cells into new cells: tumor cells. I call this new tissue distortion “Third Distortion,” and distinguish it from Initial and Secondary Distortion.

If so, why can third distortion cause cancer? Third distortion occurs catastrophically, and has no connection in energy flow with secondary distortion. Thus, cells in third distortion can freely change their cellular character without any effects of cells around the third distortion. As a result, when the stomach causes third distortion, it causes a space consisting of new cells. Just this space indicates a tumor. Indeed, it is third distortion to control the transformation a normal gene into an oncogene.

Fig20. Outbreak of Adenocarcinoma

Importantly, the depth of third distortion divides a tumor between a benign and a malignant tumor. Shallow third distortion has the ability to transform its containing cells into benign tumor cells; deep one has the ability to transform its containing cells into malignant cells. Thus, in the case of adenocarcinoma, the stomach wall can be considered to have caused deep third distortion which has the ability to cause cancer.

Now, a question arises; “Why can shallow and deep third distortion cause a benign and a malignant tumor respectively?” A cancer cell contains a large amount of momentum compared with a normal cell, and belongs to a level next higher than that of a normal cell. In addition, third distortion has the ability to carry the containing cells to a new level. Thus, shallow third distortion can carry its own containing cells to a level within a normal cell level, and then transforms the cells into benign tumor cells; in contrast, deep one can carry its own containing cells to a level higher than a normal cell level, and then transforms the cells into cancer cells.

Fig21. Depth of Third Distortion

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Gastric Cancers
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2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
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