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logo of cancer III. Important Points for Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis
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First of all, we will gather important theoretical indications that are useful to analyze carcinogenesis. For this purpose, we will begin by picking up several phenomena not only in a human body but also in nature, then analyze each of them theoretically in order to obtain important indications about carcinogenesis. By using the indications, we will next analyze theoretically how the stomach causes cancer.

(1) A Human Body Working as A Relative System
A human body works as a relative system. Any relative system in nature has its own stability, which originates in the balance among the elements. An atom, for instance, is one of the representative relative systems in nature, and its stability originates in the balance between the atomic nucleus and the electrons. Interestingly enough, a human body and an atom resemble each other in system. A human body consists of organs, each of which balances itself with other organs. This balance works as the stability of a human body. Thus, a human body can also be considered a relative system. That is, both an atom and a human body are relative systems.

This conclusion is indeed important for us to analyze carcinogenesis. When an atom, for instance, loses the balance between the atomic nucleus and the electrons, it loses the stability and disappears. Likewise, when a human body completely loses the balance among the organs, it will lose the stability and die. However, different from an atom, before a human body completely loses the stability, it can regain the stability. Importantly, just this mechanism plays a major role in causing various kinds of diseases including cancer.

Fig3: Comparison of System
between An Atom and A Human Body
Comparison of system between an atom and a human body

Imagine, for instance, an organ increasing the momentum. When an organ increases the momentum, it raises the energy density; then, it causes the imbalance in energy density with the background organs. Because of this imbalance in energy density, the human body decreases the stability. Thus, in order to neutralize the instability, the human body requires the organ to reduce the energy density. By this mechanism, the organ accumulates an excessive amount of watery fluid to reduce the energy density, and then increases the volume. As seen in this process, a human body having decreased the stability causes disease to regain good stability. That is, disease can theoretically be considered to have the ability to allow a human body to regain the stability.

Although a human body appears to be quite different from an atom, a human body and an atom resemble each other in system. That is, both a human body and an atom work as relative systems This reveals that a human body maintains the life by almost the same mechanism an atom has, and that its function must be very simple.

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* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
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* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
EG Neutralization
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Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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