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logo of cancer III. Important Points for Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis
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(4) Tissue Distortion Seen in Pre-Cancer Tissues
Tissue distortion can clearly be observed in several kinds of pre-cancer tissues. For example, the following three phenomena are indeed useful for us to notice the existence of tissue distortion in a pre-cancer tissue. The first is a phenomenon that a large polyp often causes cancer at the peak. The second is that injecting either distilled water or high-concentrated saline water into mouse skin enables us to induce cancer. The third is that implanting a film sheet under mouse skin also enables us to induce cancer. Analyzing theoretically these three phenomena allows us to point out that a tissue with tissue distortion often causes cancer.

First of all, let us check what structure a large polyp has. A polyp can be regarded as tissue distortion itself; thus, a small and a large polyp work as small and large tissue distortion respectively. Furthermore, medical science has pointed out that a large polyp frequently causes cancer at the peak. These indications allow us to explain that a tissue with large tissue distortion frequently causes cancer at the peak of the tissue distortion.

Next, also check why a tissue injected either with distilled water or high-concentrated saline water causes cancer. Both distilled water and high-concentrated saline water have different osmotic pressures from that of a cell. By this different osmotic pressure, when we inject either distilled water or high-concentrated saline water into mouse skin, we can induce the relative difference in osmotic pressure in the mouse skin. Then this relative difference in osmotic pressure starts functioning as tissue distortion, on the basis of which the mouse skin causes cancer.

Lastly, check what circumstance a tissue implanted with a film sheet has. A film sheet implanted in a tissue can cut the connection in energy flow between cells. By this mechanism, cells around the film sheet cause the relative difference in energy flow, and which works as tissue distortion. In addition, cancer induced by this procedure frequently occurs at the center of a film sheet. These indications allow us to point out that a tissue implanted with a film sheet causes tissue distortion, followed by causing cancer at the peak of the tissue distortion.

All in all, it is concluded that a tissue with strong tissue distortion often causes cancer. Although the majority of medical researchers pay attention only to microscopic mechanisms such as chemical reactions, genetic function, cellular metabolism and so on, they should notice the fact: “Macroscopic mechanisms play a major role in carcinogenesis.” This is because tissue distortion is one of the macroscopic mechanisms in a human body, and is directly related to carcinogenesis. In short, it is not a stretch to say that not microscopic but macroscopic mechanisms mainly control carcinogenesis.

Fig7: Tissue Distortion
Seen in Pre-Cancer Tissues

Tissue distortion is closely related to carcinogenesis. This means that not microscopic but macroscopic mechanisms play a major role in carcinogenesis. All the medical researches should notice this point to find out the fundamental cause of disease.

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Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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