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Examples of My Theory

1. Theoretical Model of Cancer
2. Theoretial Model of A Cancer Cell
3. Necessary Condition of Cancer

3. Necessary Condition of Cancer

A tissue never causes cancer without requiring the necessary condition of cancer.

1. Our minds and the necessary condition of cancer
If you hope to find out the fundamental cause of cancer, you must need to begin by finding out the necessary condition of cancer. Certainly, cancer frequently leads a human body to die; in this sense, cancer appears not to have the necessary condition for a human body. However, cancer must never occur unless a tissue requires cancer; in this sense, cancer must always have the necessary condition for a human body. That is, it is our minds to play an important role in deciding whether you can find the fundamental cause of cancer or not.

2. Necessary condition of cancer
If so, what is the most important necessary condition of cancer? My cancer theory concludes that a cancer cell contains a large amount of momentum compared with a normal cell. This point must be the most important necessary condition of cancer. This is because almost all pre-cancer tissues decrease their momenta and wait for a chance of increasing their momenta. Thus, when a tissue decreases the momentum strongly, it can be considered to require cancer in order to regain the momenta. This indication also reveals that cancer also has its own necessary condition.

3. Most important problem of cancer research
Why cannot medical researchers yet think such a point? Probably, the most important problem may be hidden in our minds. Just our minds, which unconsciously regard cancer as our enemy, must prevent from us to find out the necessary condition of cancer. However, unless we can see cancer from a different point of view, we will be unable to understand the true meaning of cancer. Now, it is the time for us to stop regarding cancer as our enemy, and make sure of the reason why cancer is necessary for a human body. This must be the shortest way for us to find out the fundamental cause of cancer. Not high-tech devices but out minds have the ability to find out the fundamantal cause of cancer.

4. My thought about disease
I confirm that any diseases including cancer have their own necessary conditions. Our bodies are the most important our friends, and must never betray us. I feel that no medical researcher can find out the fundamental cause of cancer while they are regarding cancer as our enemy. If you can respond to my thought, please read my cancer theory. Undoubtedly, I confirm that you will be able to grasp the new figure of cancer, and to make the basis of new medical science. I do hope you cooperate me in making new medical science together.


1. The most important problem is hidden in our minds, which regard disease including cancer as our enemy.
2. While our minds regard cancer as our enemy, we will be able to find out the fundamental cause of cancer.
3. It is not high-tech devices but our minds to determine how a tissue causes cancer.

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Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
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BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
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Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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