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Gastric Cancers Analyzed by Theoretical Physics
• Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis

Files Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis
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(This page is extracted from my book: "Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis.")

Preface (2/2)

My medical theory is a pure theory, which is formed on the basic principles in nature. A human body is created by nature, and lives in nature. This reveals that all the mechanisms in a human body are always under the control of the basic force in nature. Physics and theoretical physics have a lot of important conceptions to explain obscure phenomena observed in nature. These conceptions are also very useful for us to deduce the fundamental cause of disease. Thus, I used four theories in theoretical physics: Field, Set, Catastrophe and Fractal Theory, and bound them tightly with foundation mechanics to form a new medical theory.

Surprisingly, my medical theory is particularly useful to explain not only tumorigenesis but also other many diseases. Although a disease looks as if it is different from other diseases, it is closely related to other diseases. Even if we make a great effort to examine only tumorigenesis, we will be unable to find out the fundamental mechanism. To find it out, we have to grasp first an appropriate image in common to all diseases. For the reason, I have formed my medical theory on simple mechanisms in common to all diseases. This allowed me to make a medical theory, which can not only show the true image of disease but also explain various obscure phenomena caused in a human body.

Although most medical researchers may still doubt theoretical study, I do believe that several conceptions in my medical theory are used as the basic conceptions of new medical science. Modern medical science weighs heavily in laboratory study, so that it fails to connect the experimental results into a big hypothesis. Unfortunately, this makes medical science divide into many fields, and prevents medical researchers from solving the fundamental cause of disease. However, a human body is a relative system consisting of organs, which are closely related to each other. Thus, whenever we check an organ, we need to always take notice of not only the organ but also the background organs. My medical theory will also teach you such important indications.

Now, we all natural scientists should cooperate in making new medical science. Although we have divided natural science into many fields to research various obscure phenomena accurately, we should remember the fact that every field in natural science has been divided from a science: nature. Even if your speciality is not within medical science, it must be something related to medical science. Thus, without hesitation, please give me your advice about my medical theory. I am always glad to accept your advice.

Lastly, I wish to express my thanks to my elder sister and my father-in-low for reading the entire text in its original form. They accepted my request gladly. About five years ago, I was unable to distinguish an intransitive verb from a transitive one, and to use them correctly. Although I may be not a good writer even now, I could not make progress in writing English without their helps. I thank them very much.

Mikio Sugi, M.D.

(Please look forward to reading my book: "Theoretical Analysis of Carcinogenesis.")

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Stomach.CancerTheory.jp for
* Theoretical Medicine *
* Philosophy
Basic Philosophy
Thinking Methods
* * *
Necessity of
Medical Theory
* * *
* Outline
Human Body
* * *
* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
* * *
* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
EG Neutralization
* * *


Theoretical Analsysis of Carcinogenesis

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2006/12/17 (Sun) 04:33:06