Medical Theory Now Raises The Curatin!
I now released new cancer theory. About 17 years ago, I thought to form a cancer theory enabling us to clearly explain carcinogenesis. At that time, I also thought that it is easy to form such a theory. However, forming a cancer theory forced me to make a great effort for a very-long time period: about 17 years. It was very hard to form a cancer theory.
I must, while working as a physician, continue forming a cancer theory. After finishing my job, I went to a rental room almost everyday and continued forming a cancer theory. If so, what enabled me to continue forming medical theory? It must be smiling faces of my patients. Everytime I saw smiling faces of my patients, I thought to make a great effort of forming a cancer theory that has the ability to treat any persons with cancers. "If only I can feel the new images of cancer, I must make a cancer theory..."
And now, I finished forming the basic conceptions about cancer, and sending my summary to several-handreds medical researchers in the world. I do wish many medical researchers to know the true image of cancer, and to establish a new solution to cancer. If possible, please cooperate me in making new medical science that has the ability to treat any patients. In addition, I do hope modern medical science to make a new field: "Theoretical Medicine." |
The picture above shows about several-hundreds envelopes that are enclosed with the summary: "Gastric Cancers Analyzed by Theoretical Physics." At 14/Nov 2006, I sent them to various scientists in the world. |
To My Faimily
To My Wife
Although you may not understand what I write, you have always believed me. When my son was born and I was unable to write my medical conceptions in our house, you helped me to look for a rental room. Almost everyday, I went to the rental room after I had finished my work at hospital. So I was always late coming home. However, you were always waiting for me. Without your help, I could not have finished forming medical theory. Probably, not only I was forming medical theory. You and I were forming medical theory together. I thanked you very much.
To My Son
When you were born, I thought to unite my medical concepts into a volume, because I hoped to leave my medical concepts for you and for your friends. When I was annoyed with making theoretical concepts, you always gave me a smile. Many times I was encouraged with your smile. Thank you. This medical theory is one of the great presents I can give you. When you grow up, please read my medical theory. You must notice that this medical theory is your dad himself.
We all medical researchers should make new medical science for the future of our children. (A sports meeting of a grade school) |