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Consider whether disease is necessary for our bodies or not.
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2. Necessary Condition of "Disease"

Although we tend to regard disease as an unnecessary phenomenon for a human body, we should recheck this point. Once a human body is born, it tries to live as long as possible. In addition, disease, as explained in the preceding section, can be considered to have the ability of neutralizing the imbalance among organs. Thus, when a human body causes the imbalance among the organs, it causes disease in order to neutralize the imbalance. In this sense, disease is necessary for a human body. As seen in this example, we should recognize the necessary condition of disease before checking disease.

Undoubtedly, when medical researchers can regard disease as a necessary phenomenon for a human body, they will also be able to find out the radical treatments of disease. Most medical researchers do not find out the necessary condition of disease; as a result, they appear to make only the conservative treatments for disease but radical ones. However, when medical researchers find out the necessary condition of disease, they will be able to establish radical treatments for diseases. Fix in your mind that without finding out the necessity of disease, no medical researcher will be able to find out the radial treatments for disease.

Is disease necessary for us?
(Disease prevents us from enjoying our lives; in this sense, it seems to be unnecessary for us. However, disease has the ability of neutralizing the imbalance among the organs; in this sense, it is necessary for us.)

Remember the indication of disease, which has explained in the preceding section, to ascertain the necessary condition of disease. "When a human body loses the balance among the organs, it causes a disease in order to neutralize the imbalance." In a human body, each of the organs always balances itself with other organs. This balance works as the stability of a human body. Thus, when an organ causes the imbalance with other organs, it needs to repair this imbalance in order to maintain good stability for the human body. This process reveals that disease has its necessary condition, and that disease has the ability to allow a human body to get back good stability.

In fact, all medical researchers, before checking disease, should consider again whether disease is necessary for a human body or not. Once a human body is born, it will always try to live as long as possible. In addition, disease, as explained in the preceding section, can theoretically be considered to have the ability of neutralizing the imbalance among organs. Thus, a human body in bad health requires disease in order to maintain the life as long as possible. Undoubtedly, all the scientists should pay attention to the necessary condition of disease in order to grasp the true figure of disease. This must be one of the most important points when any medical researchers try to check disease.

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* Theoretical Medicine *
* Philosophy
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Necessity of
Medical Theory
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* Outline
Human Body
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* Details: Gastric Ca
Important Points
Gastric Cancers
1. Ad-ca
2. Signet Ring Cell Ad-ca
3. Leiomyosarcoma
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* Basics
BackGround Field
Fractal Field
Fractal Kinetics
Field Sets
Dimensional Gauge
Distorted Field
EG Neutralization
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