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basic philosophy 4. Triplet Thinking 1/2
The Basis of Triplet Thinking

Triplet thinking is one of the important thinking methods in oriental civilization, and has been used from several thousand years ago. Oriental civilization has analyzed various phenomena seen in nature by using "Triplet Thinking," and which can be deduced from Plain-geometry and Tao-te-ching which was written in China roughly 2,500 years ago.

A triangle is the simplest geometrical figure seen in nature, and has very-interesting special characteristics. A. Einstein noticed the special characteristics of a triangle, and used them to form his theory of relativity. This suggests that understanding the special characteristics of a triangle must help us to grasp the new mechanisms in a human body.

A triangle has many special characteristics. For example, the intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle in one point. This is one of the special characteristics of a triangle. Although there is little probability that three lines on a plain intersect at one point, tree attitudes of a triangle intersect at a point without exception. This proves that a triangle has the ability to control three lines in the triangle.

(Although three lines on a plain hardly intersect at a point, three attitudes of a triangle always intersect at a point.)

Pythagoras' Theorem also indicates one of the special characteristics of a triangle. Pythagoras Theorem asserts that for a right triangle with short sides of length a and b and long side of length c, a2 + b2 = c2. This also indicates one of the special characteristics of a triangle.

(It is said that Pythagoras found "Phytagoras' Theorem" when he saw a floor with right-triange-shaped tiles.)

Special Characteristics of The Number of 3
The special characteristics of a triangle teach us the role in nature of the number of three. Tao-te-ching, which was written in China roughly 2,500 years ago, indicates the importance of the number of three as follows.

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.

This means not only that the number of three plays an important role in creating all the things in nature, but also that the number of three controls all the things in nature .

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