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logo of Basic Theories IV. Fractal-Kinetic Theory
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2. Fractal Structure Oppressed by An External Force
Now, by using the theoretical model obtained on the preceding page, let us check how a fractal structure changes the internal movement when it is oppressed by an external force. First of all, check how a fractal unit reacts to an external force. Next, also check how a fractal structure, which indicates a nest of fractal units, reacts to an external force.

(a) Fractal Units Oppressed by An External Force
A fractal unit differs in reaction to an external force. The smallest fractal unit: gauge contains a very-small circular motion and its inertia is very weak, so that it can easily react to an external force. On the other hand, the secondary and the third-smallest fractal unit each contain a circular motion whose diameter is larger than that of the smallest unit: a gauge, and their inertia are stronger than that of the smallest unit. Thus, the secondary and third-smallest fractal unit react slowly compared with the smallest fractal unit: a gauge. In short, a fractal unit contains the internal movement that differs in inertia according to the size, and shows different reactions to an external force. Just this point is the special characteristic of fractal movement.

Inertia of A Fractal Unit
(The figure above illustrates the relationship between a fractal unit and the inertia. A small fractal unit contains movement of which inertia is weak; a large one contains movement of which inertia is strong. This means that the former unit is activated by an external force more easily compared with the latter one.)

(b) Fractal Structure Oppressed by An External Force
Next, let us consider how a fractal structure reacts to an external force. Interestingly enough, when a fractal structure is oppressed by an external force, it changes the internal movement stepwise. Specifically, just when a fractal structure is oppressed by an external force, it starts absorbing the external force by using the smallest fractal units: gauges. This is because the smallest unit: gauge has the weakest inertia, and most easily reacts to an external force. After the smallest fractal units reached the peaks and cannot absorb the external force anymore, the secondary-smallest fractal units start absorbing the external force. Also after the secondary-smallest fractal units reached the peaks and cannot absorb the external force anymore, the third-smallest fractal units start absorbing the external force. As seen in this process, a fractal structure absorbs an external force step by step. The figure below shows this stepwise process.

Stepwise Change of Fractal Structure
(As shown in the figure above, a fractal structure is created as a nest of units, and has different-sized movements. Thus, it absorbs an external force not linearly buy step by step.)

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BackGround Field
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